Inspired by the painting “Ophelia”

This eerie fairytale painting by English painter John Everett Millais, depicts Ophelia, a character from William Shakespeare’s Hamlet, singing before she drowns in a river in Denmark. In one of the most poetic deaths in literature and art, Ophelia was gathering wildflowers to make wreaths shortly before meeting her fate. The real-life muse who inspired Ophelia and other works of art was Elizabeth Siddal, who in order for Millais to paint her, remained in a bath of cold water for an hour with only oil lamps to warm her and as a result fell ill.

In our version, Ophelia is seen relaxing in her bath. She sings merrily, surrounded by bubbles and flowery scents. With the melancholy theme of the original painting removed, we see her in a relaxed pose, with her hand forming an “ok” diving sign. Instead of drowning, this time she is free to enjoy her warm bubble bath.